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适用平台:Intel , CPU插槽:LGA 771 , 芯片组:英特尔® 5000V MCH/英特尔® 6321ESB  , 前端总线:1333  , 内存类型:DDR2/8×DIMM .  采用革新技术的超强工作站解决方案 领先技术提升系统性能DSGC-DW/SAS采用英特尔® 5000X MCH和英特尔® 6321ESB ICH芯片组,支持双核/四核英特尔® 至强® 处理器5000/5100/5300系列,支持更高的前端总线 (1066/1333)和更大的处理器缓存,带来引人注目的性能提升..
产品参数 - 0 篇报道 - 在线支持
  • DSGC-DW/SAS LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM)

  • 1. 支援Windows
    2. Features
    ? Popup application is a client side application.
    ? To start Popup application “popup.exe” and to stop “popup.exe ━stop (or stop)” command line is required.
    ? By default all “Fatal” and “Critical” events will be displayed by Popup. However, user can optionally add Popup for other types of events using Monitor Configurator.
    ? The key requirements for popup application, is to get the SAS FW event message from storelib through Monitor and Monitor to Popup application. Popup application displays the message box in the GUI environment in case of any event occurs on server side.
  • 文件大小:17.09MB
  • 软件语言:英文
  • 运行环境:Win2003/Win2K
  • 授权类型:免费
  • 更新时间:2008-05-29
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